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Left to right: Laene Keith, Jen Foster, Ellen Simpson,
Mary Buskohl-Coulton, Barbara Koklins and Dianne Veatch

2015 FLCA Volunteer Board Members
President- Jenn Foster jennibclc@gmail.com    (321) 505-1123 (cell)
President Elect- Laene Keith lkeith2@cfl.rr.com    
Past President- Dianne Veatch dveatch@verizon.net
Treasurer- Mary Buskohl-Coulton - ranger22@bellsouth.net (904) 502-3044 (cell)
Membership Secretary ~ Ellen Simpson - esimpson@tampabay.rr.com       (813) 831-5983 (home)
Recording Secretary ~ Barbara Kokins - bkokinsflca@yahoo.com

2015 FLCA Volunteer Support Staff
Conference Chair- Laene Keith lkeith2@cfl.rr.com
Librarian - Linda Moyers-  hm463@yahoo.com
Newsletter Editor - Dianne Veatch - dveatch@verizon.net
Webmaster - Pat Lindsey  
Education Chair- Amy Harvick - amy.harvick@orlandohealth.com
             Publicity Chair- Nancy Faul -  nfcd1@yahoo.com

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This internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only.
If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should
always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional.