Where in the World is FLCA?????
FLCA Conference 2022. Thankful for all our attendees, our amazing BOD, Conference Chair Laene, speakers Dr. Austin, and Dr. Tulley, and AV tech extraordinaire James.
#Humanmilk #FLCA #thefourthtrimester #IBCLC |
FLCA would love to display your photographs. Please send pictures and the signed release form to FLCA by clicking on the button below. Send us your celebrations.
February 21, 2025, FLCA attended the Tampa Bay Breastfeeding Task Force Conference with our new Banner.
3 of the FLCA World Breastfeeding Grants 20242023 IBCLC Exam Scholarship RecipientI am a pediatric occupational therapist for over 12 years now. I began my lactation journey as a new occupational therapy graduate shadwoing Keri Nagib at Arnold Palmer as she was treating a young boy at the breast facilitating co regulation and latch. This peaked my interest and I began to take a deeper dive into infant feeding and dysfunction. I have now been in private practice for 2 years now as the Co-founder and Occupational Therapist at Baby BLISS Feeding collaborative of Central Florida along with myself and two IBCLCs Annette Leary and Sabrina Barber. I am a mother of two (7) and (5). I am so very grateful to pass the IBCLC exam recently and excited to fulfill my career as an Occupational Therapist and IBCLC. Thank you for this opportunity to be awarded this scholarship.
2023 World Breastfeeding Week Grant Recipients2022 World Breastfeeding Week Grant Recipients2021 World Breastfeeding Week Grant Recipients
2020 WBW Grant Recipients
Mary Becker:
WBW / Month is so strange this year 2020, with virtual latch-ons and gathering on Zoom. What an awesome job was done by many to celebrate breastfeeding in times of difference and distance. I want to thank FLCA for the grant of $50. I was able to contribute to the Space Coast Breastfeeding Coalition latch celebration and provide gifts to moms at the two pregnancy centers in Vero Beach.
Leading Lady again provided bras (this year one had to pay for shipping). Attached before and after prep for gifts. I would encourage all to mark your calendar in May to contact Leading Lady – the cost of shipping is so worth the product and blessing to moms.
WBW / Month is so strange this year 2020, with virtual latch-ons and gathering on Zoom. What an awesome job was done by many to celebrate breastfeeding in times of difference and distance. I want to thank FLCA for the grant of $50. I was able to contribute to the Space Coast Breastfeeding Coalition latch celebration and provide gifts to moms at the two pregnancy centers in Vero Beach.
Leading Lady again provided bras (this year one had to pay for shipping). Attached before and after prep for gifts. I would encourage all to mark your calendar in May to contact Leading Lady – the cost of shipping is so worth the product and blessing to moms.
Felicia Deluca:
Our taskforce hosted a virtual latch on via Facebook Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We raffled off $10 gift cards using the money. Thank you!!
Our taskforce hosted a virtual latch on via Facebook Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We raffled off $10 gift cards using the money. Thank you!!

Vickie Podrez & Sue Watson
Sue Watson and Vickie Podrez are lactation consultants in the NICU at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando. We have banners that we display at the reception desks on both 3rd floor and 11th floor that are visible as parents check into the NICU. The banner says, “Alexander Center for Neonatology celebrates World Breastfeeding Month”. Our Nursing Operations Manager bought balloons that we hung around the unit to draw attention to the banner and give a festive appeal. We purchased pens that had the inscription “Breastfeeding…for goodness sakes” to distribute to moms that had babies in the unit, as well as flyers that described the many benefits of moms holding their infants skin to skin in both English and Spanish.
Sue Watson and Vickie Podrez are lactation consultants in the NICU at Winnie Palmer Hospital in Orlando. We have banners that we display at the reception desks on both 3rd floor and 11th floor that are visible as parents check into the NICU. The banner says, “Alexander Center for Neonatology celebrates World Breastfeeding Month”. Our Nursing Operations Manager bought balloons that we hung around the unit to draw attention to the banner and give a festive appeal. We purchased pens that had the inscription “Breastfeeding…for goodness sakes” to distribute to moms that had babies in the unit, as well as flyers that described the many benefits of moms holding their infants skin to skin in both English and Spanish.

Patricia Holder
Duval County WIC used the funds to help put together bags for each client that came to each WIC office. The bags contained information on how to get off to a good start with breastfeeding, latch, diaper sheets, candle, note pads, tissues, magnets with breastmilk storage and contact information for breastfeeding support. Due to limited contact these bags were shared with client that did come to the clinic that were pregnant or currently breastfeeding.
Duval County WIC used the funds to help put together bags for each client that came to each WIC office. The bags contained information on how to get off to a good start with breastfeeding, latch, diaper sheets, candle, note pads, tissues, magnets with breastmilk storage and contact information for breastfeeding support. Due to limited contact these bags were shared with client that did come to the clinic that were pregnant or currently breastfeeding.

Jennie Hill-Lanziero
The Florida West Coast Breastfeeding Task Force would like to thank FLCA for their continued support during the 2020 World Breastfeeding Week Celebration. With the gift of your grant, we were able to provide mothers free Breastfeeding Support T shirts in celebration of WBW. The Task Force went LIVE on Facebook all three days. We discussed Benefits of Breastfeeding, Debunking Breastfeeding Myths, and You May Be a Breastfeeding Mom IF... stories! We had so much fun and were so happy to have so many mothers join us virtually this year. The mothers were excited to win the free T shirts and pick them up curbside as we get through this global pandemic as safely as possible. Thank you FLCA for making these gifts to these mothers possible!
The Florida West Coast Breastfeeding Task Force would like to thank FLCA for their continued support during the 2020 World Breastfeeding Week Celebration. With the gift of your grant, we were able to provide mothers free Breastfeeding Support T shirts in celebration of WBW. The Task Force went LIVE on Facebook all three days. We discussed Benefits of Breastfeeding, Debunking Breastfeeding Myths, and You May Be a Breastfeeding Mom IF... stories! We had so much fun and were so happy to have so many mothers join us virtually this year. The mothers were excited to win the free T shirts and pick them up curbside as we get through this global pandemic as safely as possible. Thank you FLCA for making these gifts to these mothers possible!
Donna O'Brien
Our local Space Coast Breastfeeding Coalition hosted our 4th Annual Big Latch On virtually! We used the generous $50 from FLCA to purchase Target gift cards as prizes for our Lactation Bingo game. Our event was via Zoom and went very well
Our local Space Coast Breastfeeding Coalition hosted our 4th Annual Big Latch On virtually! We used the generous $50 from FLCA to purchase Target gift cards as prizes for our Lactation Bingo game. Our event was via Zoom and went very well
2020 IBCLC Day Grant Recipients

Congratulations Christine Smith on being a recipient off a 2019 June Winfield grant.
Congratulations Christine Smith on being a recipient off a 2019 June Winfield grant.

Congratulations to Jennie Rae Hill-Lanziero! Jennie became an IBCLC in 2018 and was the recipient of one of FLCA's IBCLC Exam Scholarships. She is pictured here with Ruth Gavish Raikes and Ruth's twin boys.
Northeast Florida Breastfeeding Coalition Conference April 1, 2017
#FLCA2018 Orlando Conference "Breastmilk: A Sustainable Resource" April 20-21

Recipient of an exam scholarship. Awarded January 2017. Dyana Dodge passed her October 2016 exam. Congratulations!!
World Breastfeeding Week Treats 2016
World Breastfeeding Week Celebration 8.12.17